Live to Eat - Discovering Salmon

A lot has changed since I last wrote a blog post. I find myself in a different country altogether. Far away from home. Far away from the food, I grew with.

My passion for food has remained the same. In fact, it has intensified as I find myself discovering new tastes and flavors. I am cooking more and experimenting even more. My taste buds have had some remarkable experiences. Experiences, that I would like to share

Discovering SALMON

As a seafood lover, I have always been open to trying new food. Here, I was introduced to a gem. The crown prince of the Seafood - Salmon

I have not come across a fish that is so flavorful by itself. From different tries, be it a paprika rub, red wine, white wine or any other, I have concluded that Salmon is best seasoned with plain salt and pepper. And a dash of lime if you please.

Bake a Salmon fillet seasoned with salt and pepper and wrapped in an aluminum foil at 350℉ for about 20 mins. Finish it with a dash of lime.

Pan Seared Salmon - With Asparagus and Creamy Brocolli and Cauliflower Mash

Ingredients - 

1 Fresh Salmon Fillet
4-5 Asparagus Stems
1/4 cup Brocolli
1/4 cup Cauliflower
1/8-1/4 cup Heavy Cream
1-2 tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese
1 tbsp Olive Oil
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)
Lime Juice

Method - 

Season the Fillet with salt and pepper and let it rest for 1-2hrs. In a small non-stick pan, add olive oil and sear the fish for 4-5 minutes per side on medium flame. 

For the mash, bake Brocolli and Cauliflower (you can add the asparagus too) for 20-25mins at 350℉ with a little olive oil and salt and pepper.  Cool it down and then blend them with cream and parmesan cheese. Keep adding cream to get the consistency that you desire. Add salt to taste. Add pepper and some chili flakes if you want some more heat.

Make sure to sear the fish as the last step as Salmon is not great when cold 

Hope you liked my take on Salmon. Do try it and leave a comment with your thoughts.

Keep Cooking!!


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